All of these answers could be true, I know for a fact that A is true, could you give more context?
New Delhi</h2>
"New Delhi is the capital of India and one of Delhi city's 11 districts. Although colloquially Delhi and New Delhi are used interchangeably to refer to the National Capital Territory of Delhi, these are two distinct entities, with New Delhi forming a small part of Delhi."
If my memory serves me well, sharecropping most often harm African American sharecroppers.
One of the most significant things that the colonies of Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire had in common was they were very anti-slavery.
Caudillo is a term derived from the Spanish word Capitellum meaning Small Head ( head of an irregular ruled political territory). In the Latin American context, this term was used for the Military Leaders, who challenged the authority of the Spanish government. Therefore, these Caudillos or the strong man gave birth to a system called Caudillismo (a system of political-social domination under the leadership of a strong man). They rose after the Independence War from Spain in the 19th century in Latin America.