In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected as U.S. president but his election was accepted by many southern states who decided to secede from the U.S. and form the Confederate States Of America with 6 other states(and eventually 11 all together)
cause-Lincoln had only won the election with 40% of the popular vote,which meant that the majority of the country did not support his ideals-especially anti-slavery sentiment.
I don't really know what the question is
The root word terminate means bring to an end.
Well...between August 17 and September 2, 1914, there was the Battle of Tannenberg, which resulted in the defeat of the Russian forces by the German ones. This is a village in Poland, also known as Stębark
Hope I Helped!
Don't for get to say thanks
The reason behind closing of Ghettos was Typhus and typhoid fever (disease). Ghetto can be defined as a part of a city where minority people or groups used to live due to the result of social and economical pressure. The ghetto is often described as a part or specific society which is more financially weaker than other areas of the city.
Versions of the ghetto appear worldwide, each with its own name, classification, and group of people. The term ghettos was originally used for the Venetian Ghetto in Venice, Italy in 1516, to define the specific part of the city where Jews were not allowed to enter and live, thus they differentiate from other people and created their own place.