Modernity resulted in a number of social and economic
changes in America. As the economy boomed, wages rose for most Americans and
prices fell, resulting in a higher standard of living, there was an increase in
consumerism. As a result, there was a change in the way they dressed, thought,
and acted in a manner that shocked their more traditional parents.
Douglass developed a passion early on for reading, a passion which, ironically, was provoked by the debased ideas of his master, Hugh Auld.
The Klu Klux Klan worked to prevent African Americans from exercising their newly found rights and wanted whites to regain control of local governments.
The KKK is was responsible for more lynchings of African Americans, particularly ones who held public office, than any other organization or individual.
Priot to that in Morrisville
ares is a god and is the greek god of war so he has the power of being able to fight strong and knows his weapons and physilicity
ducksters is where i found this