the rich helping the poor
Category: Social Studies
the one on the right is like the natives
and the on the left is like a helper
hope this helps
Many designers will have to deal with aspects of all of the above; whether designing apparel, textiles, objects, graphics or printed material the ability to present information in a simple and straightforward way is important for a designer to engage with their collaborators and to effectively market their product to their client, designing something which is ergonomic also is important as that deals with how their product or design will physically relate to the body, they will also need to understand the limitations of their design tools as this will have the potential to inhibit the production or quality of the outcome, also a balanced understanding of visual literacy is key as this is important for a designer to effectively evaluate the material from which they draw upon in their research and design process.
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Rain cloud prolly cus it's a natural shape that can shape up into a heart, Star, Circle or any irregular pattern/shape.