no I don't have Spanish class anymore lol
<u>How to say</u> "How much does this purple bathrobe cost" is "cuánto cuesta esta bata de baño morada"
<u>How to say</u> "It costs" is "Cuesta"
<u>How to say</u> "They cost" is "Ellos cuestan" for male, this is for woman "Ellas cuestan"
<u>How to say</u> "Gift" is "Regalo"
<u>How to say</u> "For whom" is "Para quien"
There you go.
Perhaps I’d need more context, but I think the missing word would be something along the lines of les or something. I’m new to Spanish, sorry.
<span>Hace tres meses que nosotros sabemos navegar en la Red.</span>