Maybe by alerting the driver when they get distracted, like a sensor of some sort :)
Wife: "I think that it is time to move out of here and buy a home instead"
Husband: "But we have rented this place for so many years and I love it here!"
Wife: "It's hard living here, there aren't many good jobs, the people aren't the best and there isn't anything to do!"
Husband: "Okay, but... Like you said... there aren't many good jobs and we could not afford to move anywhere. We cannot afford to buy a house"
Wife: "I know but we can work harder, take a second job and make enough to reach our goal!"
Husband: "But do you think this will work? Will we make enough money to buy that house?"
Wife: "Yes we will I know we can do anything we just need to be willing to work hard to make it happen!"
Husband: "Your right!"
This all came from my head lol.
Common suffixes and examples
Noun suffixes
examples of nouns
baggage, village, postage
arrival, burial, deferral
reliance, defence, insistence
boredom, freedom, kingdom
employee, payee, trainee
driver, writer, director
it should be the first one :)