One long term effect was the population decrease. Once populated villages and towns were left to rubble and ruins after the black death hit. Large, working expanses of land were left to deserted wilderness, crops were left to rot in the ground, and cattle were left to roam around until they perished.
Trade routes to market were cut off by war, either water ways or roads. Farmers could not plant surpluses because they might not be able to sell the excess and it would just rot on their fields. Herds of cattle and horses were depleted either by the plundering of the British or as provisions for the Continental Army.
The Himalayas mountain range
By article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, Austria-Hungary was permitted to occupy and administer Bosnia and Herzegovina. The crisis in 1908-1909 sprang from the fact that Serbia believed that she must prevent the consummation of annexation by Austria-Hungary or give up permanently her long-cherished hopes.
Sparta was a military based society. They believed that discipline kept everyone in line and allowed for a zero tolerance society. The emphasis placed on discipline and specific training was vital to Spartan military might. Unlike the soldiers of other Greek states, who had usually received only a taste of military training, the Spartans were raised with it. Every man knew his place and knew the importance of holding it. Young boys started training from the age of 7 years old. And yes halo spartans are based off the real ones. :)