1. b You might have left it at school.
2. c You can't have sent it to the right address.
3. c He can't have taken his phone to work.
Number one
Bill: I can't find my camera.
Ben: <u>You might have left it at school.</u>
Bill: Yes, maybe. I'll look there tomorrow.
Number two
Alex: She didn't get my email.
Kat: <u>You can't have sent it to the right address.</u>
Alex: I'm sure I did. I checked before I sent it.
Number three
Clare: My dad wasn't answering his phone.
Liz: <u>He can't have taken his phone to work.</u>
Clare: But he always has it.
This is probably going to be more than 15 lines goes nothing
As I lay on my sunken bed
I hear his voice inside my head
Thinking I should have stayed
This tune I hear repeating in my head
I can’t go back, come here instead
He’s not here, he’s gone back home
The love he’d shown was not for me. And I moved on
My sister was jealous, telling me lies
I knew something was going on , it brought tears to my eyes
As I lay on my sunken bed
—-finish the rest I know it sounds soo bad. ♀️ sorry I tried though
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