Susanna Heisse.
Susanna Heisse fue la primera persona a la que se le ocurrió la idea y produjo eco-ladrillos para reciclar el plástico en un material útil. Susanna Heisse se horrorizó al ver el nivel de desechos plásticos alrededor del lago Atitlán en Guatemala. Entonces ella creó la idea de EcoBrick. Ella construyó una pared de ladrillos que se producen a partir de una botella de plástico, que se convirtió en una inspiración para personas de todo el mundo. Organizaciones ecológicas, empresas de materiales de construcción y mobiliario que trabajan con Ecobrick.
Tocqueville had many concerns with democracy in American, but his main issue with individualism was that it would create too much unrest and disputes among citizens. Explanation: Alexis de Tocqueville was a French sociologist and executive scholar who moved to the United States in 1831 to study life in America.
The North had a better economic than the South, so the North had more troops to fight the war. The North had railroads, steamboats, roads, and canals for faster transport of supplies and troops.
Newbold Plow - cast iron plow by Charles Newbold
The Newbold Plow
The plow evolved from the all-wood designs of antiquity, to the use of iron parts. In 1720, the first English patent for a wooden moldboard sheathed with iron was issued to Joseph Foljambe. From that the evolution to plows made with cast iron moldboards and shares occurred in Scotland in 1785 by James Small. These cast iron plows were then imported to the U.S.
Charles Newbold, born in Chesterfield, NJ (1780), spent his teenage years investigating the use of cast iron to improve on the heavy iron-clad wooden plow then available. He was issued the first US patent for a plow on 26 Jun 1797. The plow was cast as one piece—the moldboard, share, and land-side all cast together—with wooden handles and beam added.
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