It means that he has abided by certain mores for his whole life and by using the literal example of “pulling a thorn”, he’s saying, “there’s not one person who i haven’t helped, that’s what makes us brothers. When they need me i help them, and when i need them they help me.” It is interesting because he’s explaining that just because it’s not normal for you doesn’t mean it’s not my version of normal.
The passage compared and contrasted the forest to his personal life. (I think)
Whatever you read on you got to put it in a essay or paragraph.
Reason is subservient to faith.
According to Aquinas, Reason comprises of things that we know from what we have seen and what we think. From reason we know that God exists. Reason does not require a revelation from God for us to know.
Faith comprises of things that we know from God revelation to us. The revelation can be from the bible or what is being taught in the church. An example of faith is that we know that Jesus died for us so that we would have eternal life.
Faith cannot be known from reason alone but faith builds on what we know (i.e. reason). Hence Reason is subservient to faith.
Faith and truth are similar and there should be no difference between what faith and reason tells us.