The result of he debate was the stamp act.
True. They went so far as to overproduce thinking it would make more money, but they forgot the law of supply and demand, which states that if there is more of something, it will be considered less valuable and the price of said good will god own.
Hope that I helped!
Lack of Trust in US Government
Prior to Vietnam, if the US government stated a policy goal, the motivations behind the goal were assumed to be good by the population.
Vietnam marked the moment where the US citizenry lost faith in its government. In particular, with its prioritization of stopping communism over all else. This occurred because of a lack of truth telling and imminent defeat.
The correct answers are:
- The use of Spanish-English bilingualism is more common here than in other US regions
- The region’s heavy Spanish influence attracts many Central and South American immigrants.
The American Southwest has evolved and distanced itself from its European origins, the use of Spanish, Chicano/Calo, Isleno and English in the region arose from a mixture of English and Spanish influences as well older Spanish roots. The Southwest is ethnically varied, with significant Anglo American and Hispanic American populations in addition to more regional African American, Asian American and American Indian populations.