D. to make a personal contact with the potential employer
A) Nature, in the form of the incoming tide, startles the speaker with its menace, anger, and strength.
Based on the excerpt from “I started Early—took my dog”, it is described by the speaker that he is moved by no man but he became aware of the tide when it started to rise over his body, threatening to eat him up.
The speaker is so moved by the tide because Nature, in the form of the incoming tide, startles the speaker with its menace, anger, and strength as it begins to rise and threaten to swallow him up.
"A. Repetition and circularity"
Postmodernity can refer both to the process of cultural transformation of modernity from the 1970s, and especially 1980, as well as to the different cultural, philosophical and artistic movements of that period that question the paradigms of modernity, as well as its universal validity and timeless.
Postmodernism in an artistic sense encompasses a large number of currents from the 1950s to the present; it is difficult to specify in general the limits between the most risky achievements of modernism and the first postmodern works, although some arts, among which architecture stands out, enjoyed a postmodern programmatic movement and organized very early. The most notable features of postmodern art are the appreciation of industrial and popular forms, the weakening of barriers between genres and the deliberate and insistent use of intertextuality, often expressed through collage or pastiche.