beds of roses, a thousand fragrant posies, a cap of flowers, a kirtle embroidered leaves of myrtle, a gown made of the finest wool, fair lined slippers with buckles of the purest gold, a belt of straw and Ivy buds with coral clasps and amber studs
The shepherd promised to give the object of his affection things that he thought would make her happy such as fine clothing, slippers and accessories. He thought the lady would be enticed by things that would beautify her. He thought these things would give her pleasure.
you know what to do with a different person and you know 333rd of a generation 2nd generation of the
He leans on Montresor's arm as they walk.
She used a persuasive and formal tone to an audience made up of political leaders and UN members.
In her speech for the fight for human rights, Eleanor Roosevelt presented arguments to convince political leaders around the world and all UN members to pay attention to the importance of human rights in promoting a just, peaceful and egalitarian world. As Eleanor Roosevelt was speaking to an audience made up of politicians and people of international importance, she used a formal and cultured tone, but as she sought to convince them to support her arguments, she used a persuasive tone, encouraging everyone who listened to agree with what she was talking about.
By comparison = when compared , to compare