The answer is D.
Traditionally, the groups characterized as untouchable were those whose occupations and habits of life involved ritually polluting activities, of which the most important were (1) taking life for a living, a category that included, for example, fishermen, (2) killing or disposing of dead cattle or working with their hides for a living, (3) pursuing activities that brought the participant into contact with emissions of the human body, such as feces, urine, sweat, and spittle, a category that included such occupational groups as sweepers and washermen, and (4) eating the flesh of cattle or of domestic pigs and chickens, a category into which most of the indigenous tribes of India fell.
The correct option is A
The bureaucracy is necessarily hierarchical, first because of the iron law of the oligarchy and secondly because the bureaucracy grows adding more subordinate layers. As in the absence of a market there is no genuine proof of "merit" in government service to consumers, in a bureaucracy limited by rules, the hierarchy is often used as representative of merit. Increasing the hierarchy leads therefore to the promotion to the highest levels, while the expanded budgets take the form of multiplication of levels of ranks under you and expand your income and power. The bureaucratic growth takes place, therefore, multiplying the levels of the bureaucracy.
B. Farmers were being taxed heavily to the point they were in debt. do your ap homework.
One of the saddest facts about World War I is that millions died needlessly because military and civilian leaders were slow to adapt their old-fashioned strategies and tactics to the new weapons of 1914. New technology made war more horrible and more complex than ever before. The United States and other countries felt the effects of the war for years afterwards.
The popular image of World War I is soldiers in muddy trenches and dugouts, living miserably until the next attack. This is basically correct. Technological developments in engineering, metallurgy, chemistry, and optics had produced weapons deadlier than anything known before. The power of defensive weapons made winning the war on the western front all but impossible for either side.
This is the case because the Middle Colonies would withhold policies in which granted religious toleration between certain sects and was more diverse religiously compared to the other colonies. From the Quakers and Lutherans to the Jews and many other religious groups.