They definitely wanted to have a peaceful life in America and each side wanted to have their different ideals but they in general did not want war. They also would have just wanted the political leader of the south and the north to resolve the slavery issue
All of the above! Resource base, states/unstated goals, and membership.
The Hagia Sophia was originally a church, but once conquered, Byzantium was ruled by Islam. The Hagia Sophia reflects the history of Constantinople, starting out as Christian and then once conquered, becoming Muslim. Today, much of the Hagia Sophia represents Islam with copious amounts of Arabic writing on the walls, and several Minarets surrounding it. The Hagia Sophia is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world
- British Impressment of American Sailors.
- British restriction of U.S. trade.
Thomas Jefferson tried to follow the ideology of George Washington in that the U.S. must remain neutral in issues relating to other countries especially those of Europe. The British however, were engaged in war with the French and so engaged in policies that angered the United States.
The first was Impressment. The British needed sailors in their fight against the French and so would regularly seize American Sailors and add them to the Royal Navy's ranks to bolster their numbers. This was tantamount to kidnap and infuriated the American public.
The other was the restriction of trade with Europe (France in particular) by the British. The British demanded by American ships go to Britain first if they were going to Europe and captured American ships sailing there so as to deny Napoleon any American supplies. This had disastrous effects on the American economy as many suffered from being unable to export freely.
There are various social, economic, and political reasons for the rise of imperialism in Europe. Trade has provided huge profit for the European states and there were greater zeal to protect it. The British occupation of Egypt was one such occupation to control the Suez canal. Another reason was the belief in the superiority of European race supplemented by social Darwinism. the competition among the European nations was not only economic reasons but it was also a matter of national prestige.