An outline will help a lot. For example if you were Writing a paper on the French revolution it would look like this.
French Revolution
I. Intro parahgraph
II. Reasons Why the war started
A. the unequal system of taxation
B. The way that the peasants lived a life of poverty while the Nobles
lived a life of luxury just because of their title.
And so on
It points out that the author has written more books for children than she has written, or plans to write, for adults.
Dear father,
hope you are doing well father. I am doing good over here and settled comfortably in the hotel. I wrote this letter to request you to buy a computer for me.
As you are aware of the current education advancements. We get a lot of projects that are needed to be made on a computer with the help of power-point presentation. Our school has taken a step to prevent wastage of paper. Therefore, I would request you to buy me a computer so that I can start with my project as soon as possible.
Give love and regards to mother and sister.