Granted town charters, introduced national tax, extended royal lands
At the Battle of Gettysburg, It was a crushing blow to rebel morale. Their nearly undefeated hero, general Lee, had been defeated. Of course, it was a huge morale boost for the Union, who had been grumbling about the war in the East because of the invincible Lee. In addition, after the Battle of Gettysburg, two great speeches were given, one by the president himself. He showed how the Union needed to keep fighting this war to keep the greatest nation from leaving the earth and so that the country could truly be one where all men (or people) could be equal. At Vicksburg, it was more of a military advantage. In addition to being a highly defensible location to put things of high importance in, it also completed the final piece of the Mississippi River. With the Union controlling all of the river, the Union could split the enemy in 2. This completed part of the Anaconda Plan.The Union could also use the river as a platform for transportation of troops, supplies, and as an artillery platform with their new ironclads. I think that the Battle of Gettysburg would have been more important. There was already low morale in the Union army. They were asking thrmselves why they were fighting a war to get people back into out country that didn't want to be here. Already, nearly 200 thousand casualties had taken place. They thought this was far too much to end slavery. If Lee had not finally been defeated, Vicksburg would never have happened, and the outcome of the civil war could have been very different.
Answer: The plan called for a legislature divided into two bodies the Senate and the House of Representative with proportional representation. That is, each state's representation in Congress would be based on its population.
<span>The Zapotec king became Christian</span>
Alaska was purchased in the 1800's from Russia by the US. The US also took over the part of Mexico which was California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Texas so therefore added a lot of new territory including the rich gold fields of California.