It should be Pathos. It doesn't appeal to logic or credibility, but instead the language makes a strong impression on emotion.
A lot of kids usually like to do sports, sports is a great way to exercise, and even get kids to interact with each other.
Sports can be dangerous and some points but if your careful it can actually teach valuable lessons to your students.
Using sports the right way can allow not only students to have fun, but even get better in whatever the sport is.
Sports should not be banned because they help kids get motivated and look forward to something they can do that day.
Gulliver using his glasses as a shield in a military operation while the Blefuscudians shot arrows at Gulliver's face and neck in Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. This situation described as an ironic situation because Gulliver did not defend his face and neck from the arrow<span>. He rather defends his eyes using the glasses.</span>
I'm not sure but if I had to guess if would be 4 :)