Archaic: Black-figure pottery
Classical: Frieze carving
Hellenistic: Linear perspective
Archaic: Black-figure pottery
Classical: Frieze carving
Hellenistic: Linear perspective
1. Measure 1 Beat 1: C
Measure 2 Beat 1: A
Measure 4 Beat 1: G
2. E C G C E C G C
the rest
3. B natural. Raises the Bb (from the key signature) a half-step.
4. Piano (soft).
5. Staccato. Played short with quick release.
6. Decrescendo. Gets softer over the course of the length of the symbol. This one starts with Forte.
7. F major.
The correct answer is Teiresias. He is the character form the play Antigone by Sophocles where his presence is in the climax. It is when Creon finally relents and agrees to do the right thing - bury Polynices and pardon Antigone.
c might be the most difficult
A. Sitar because a sitar has strings unlike the other instruments