Skin remains red after a bad sun burn because:
inflammation causes increased blood flow.
When our skin is exposed to sun rays , the epidermal layer starts getting damaged. The damage to the cell caused by sun rays triggers the melanin secretion. Increased secretion of melanin results in darkening of the exposed region .
However, the damage and inflammation to the skin increases blood flow to the skin, this causes reddening of the skin.
Hello, There! Thanks for asking your Question.. Your answer is below
B. melting point Is The most Correct Answer
The Melting point is the temperature at which a solid is converted to a liquid.
Therefore, making your Answer option B.
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the Jupiter trojans ,commonly Trojans asteroids or simply trojans are a large group of asteroids. that share the planet Jupiter
Well it only makes sense that he meant that since humans use the oceans for so much once they are gone, humans will die not too long after