Hi! Here is my best answer or if you want to add the options I might be able to help more.
He believed that, like all men, Black men had the right to improve their condition in society and to enjoy the fruits of their labor. In this way they were equal to white men, and for this reason slavery was inherently
Greek artists included the ideas of reason, moderation, balance, and harmony in their works because they hoped that their art would inspire people to base their lives on these same ideas.
The Framers all agreed that the country needed a new nation government.
Hope this helps!
During a solar eclipse on January 1, 1889, Wovoka, a shaman of the Northern Paiute tribe, had a vision. Claiming that God had appeared to him in the guise of a Native American and had revealed to him a bountiful land of love and peace, Wovoka founded a spiritual movement called the Ghost Dance. He prophesied the reuniting of the remaining Indian tribes of the West and Southwest and the banishment of all evil from the world.
if this doesn't help sorry