To determine the relative age of rock layers we use the following criteria: ... Sedimentary rocks form in ... Label the diagrams either folded, faulted, tilted or intruded .... Include the words: deposition, erosion, unconformity, fold, fault, and igneous intrusion ... 1. oldest. N oodge. 5. List the order of events from youngest to oldest:.
Sequences I - A were deposited layer by layer into a sedimentary basin (a region or place where subsidence of Earth's crust has allowed sediment to accumulate on top of metamorphic and igneous rock). They were subjected to Lithification and became compacted, forming sedimentary rocks. With time, the layers became tilted due to natural forces. Geologic tilting can occur as a result of faults (vertical or horizontal), angular unconformity and disturbances to the earth's magnetic field or even erosion, so possibly strata of sedimentary rock was deposited on layers that were tilted due to erosion, and the new layers were compressed on top of previously tilted layers, aggravating the tilting further. After the tilting, there was a period of non-deposition, and the exposed surface of the bed became eroded due to denudation. After this, layers H - C were deposited and compacted under pressure, by lithification. Some rock layers were exposed as the rock sequence was uplifted, and erosion washed away parts of layers C and E, and layer C has been eroded to the level of layer E. When layer C was exposed and eroded, the load was relieved and part of bed E re-adjusted to the level of C.
The duration of hours of the day is longer during the summer and shorter during the winter and this influences the temperature in these two seasons. As the day is longer in the summer, it means that the hemisphere that this summer has more exposure to the sun and therefore has higher temperatures. The opposite happens in the winter, as there is less exposure to the sun, due to the shorter day, which can help in decreasing the time.