OK so theirs no real explanation buut in the book
I would like to better understand the use of the verb "remember". I therefore present to you a concrete question that I have come across. Which of the following is the right one and why?
"This device reminds men (of) who should not..."
"This device reminds men that they should not..."
Thank you so much for your cooperation
Within 72 hours of death, they begin to speak in metaphors of journey. They request their shoes, or their plane tickets or demand to go home when they are home. When my sister lay dying of breast cancer, she said, as if frustrated, “I don’t know how to leave,” and spoke of “hapless flight attendants.”
वाक्य संरचना के 4 प्रकार
एक वाक्य में क्या है?
एक साधारण वाक्य में एक स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य होता है।
एक यौगिक वाक्य दो (या अधिक) स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य हैं जो एक संयोजन या अर्धविराम से जुड़ते हैं।
एक जटिल वाक्य में एक स्वतंत्र उपवाक्य और एक आश्रित उपवाक्य होता है।
क्या मुझे एक brainliest मिल सकता है