Basically. They had the biggest ego ever. The North knew that they had the more resources and the more superior military force. So they basically underestimated the South. Also it was due to the North's military generals. They didn't lead the troops the right way and all in all, that led to early Confederate victory. The South had the superior military leadership against the North.
Treaty of Greenville, also called Treaty of Fort Greenville, (August 3, 1795), settlement that concluded hostilities between the United States and an Indian confederation headed by Miami chief Little Turtle by <u>which the Indians ceded most of the future state of Ohio and significant portions of what would become the states of Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan.</u>
It was held from Friday, October 31 to Tuesday, December 2, 1828. It featured a rematch of the 1824 election, as President John Quincy Adams of the National Republican Party faced Andrew Jackson of the Democratic Party. ... Jackson's victory over Adams marked the start of Democratic dominance in federal politics.
Yes some helped but not all of these people were aware of the full extent of what the Nazis were doing.