1: never got the full attention of the parents like the oldest did. 2: Always has to share the parents attention with a more mature older sibling and the baby of the family.3: Probably feels the frustration of not getting to do things the older sibling can, and probably doesn’t get the coddling and extra attention the baby demands.
Margot wanted to be a teacher
Her obsession with finding a pattern reveals her imagination and creativity, which is stifled by her husband and by her being forced to spend so much time in the room.
She is depressed, not able to see her new baby, not permitted to have visitors, and shut in at all times. Since she is denied any opportunity for stimulation or creative outlet, she creates one. Her obsession with the wallpaper, and later the insanity it causes, show what kind of a mind she has. Her mind is one that needs to express itself creatively.
The NSC enables learners to access to a variety of post-school opportunities depending on their performance in Grade 12. The opportunities include entry-level employment, admission to learnerships and internships, and admission to colleges, universities and other higher education institutions.