The correct answer is - False.
The Boreal forest is part of the Taiga biome, not of the Alpine one. It is located on the northern hemisphere, form Norway to the Pacific coast of Russia, and from the pacific to the Atlantic coast of the northern half of North America and it occupies the biggest space compared to any other biome in the world. It is a place where there's short humid summers, and very long, extremely cold, snowy winters. It is a biome where the coniferous forest dominates, and some of the animals that live here are the lynx, bears, wolfs, elk, deer, moos...
sedimentary (ex: limestone), metamorphic (ex: marble), igneous (ex: granite)
sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous are the 3 types of rocks formed by the rock cycle. didnt know if you only needed that or examples of each kind so I gave both. also not important but a fun fact igneous means made by fire, metamorphic (think of a butterfly, they go through metamorphosis) this means they change, and sedimentary (rocks pressed together to form a new one often found after events such as erosion, etc). hope this helps :)
The type of rock can tell you if the land was formed by layers of sediment, lava, etc. Fossils can show how old they are and therefore how old the land around it is