They are necessary for co-ordination.
The both systems brings about co-ordination, thought there are some basic differences between them. Many organs in an animals system have organs to carry out activities like locomotion, digestion, respiration and excretion. The activities of each organ system must be co-ordinated with those of other systems; and with conditions in the external and internal environments of the animal.
Unlike the endocrine system, the nervous system works rapidly. Messages are carried mainly as electric impulses along nerves triggering immediate response from target organs.
The hypothalamus is the important link between these two systems.
The cycle that is described in the problem is called the water cycle. in this cycle, the water from a lake is evaporated through the heat of the sun and the water is accumulated in the clouds. When the clouds are saturated, then water condenses and precipitates to fall as rain.
Characteristics of young rivers are;
• The river is small and flows with less energy down steep slopes
• Features formed are a result of erosion
• These rivers form V-shaped valley
• Form interlocking spurs when they meet obstacles
A river in its youthful stages has a steep river gradient. The river is in most cases narrow and deep. Waterfalls and rapids are common in youthful stages of a river. The river channel is considered narrow and deep, with a V-shaped valley present. Vertical erosion is dominant and the channel of the river generally winds.
Mendel's principle of independent assortment predicts that the alleles of the two genes will be independently distributed into gametes. ... This 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio is the classic Mendelian ratio for a dihybrid cross in which the alleles of two different genes assort independently into gametes.
Turn off the lights when not in use, turn off all appliances when not used, remove your phone from the charger when its at full charge, heaters and air conditioners should be turned off when not in use, and using a regular sharpener rather than an electric one. Hope this helps. :)