since ghana was located between the salt deposit rich sarah and gold rich in the south, these two resources were traded heavily. in fact, salt and gold were traded as equal value.
because of area of ghana was so large the king divided the kingdon into individual provinces.
hope it helps po(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Harriet Tubman was an African American slave. She first risked her life when she developed the "Underground Railroad", which was a secret system that she created in order to help fugitive slaves escape. The second way that she risked her life was becoming a nurse during the Civil War.
Many people during this time, including Washington, felt that slavery was justified because the slaves in America were previously slaves in Africa, and were treated more poorly by their African masters than they were by their American masters. This was of course heavily refuted.
human - he will have a human birth and human parents. a perfect teacher of God's law. a great political leader - inspirational and a good judge. able to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.The Messiah would be a leader who would guide them into battle against foreign forces occupying Palestine. The Zealots looked forward to a Messiah whom God would send to expel the Romans from Palestine and restore the Kingdom of God to the chosen people. The Essenes also looked forward to the coming of Messiah.The land of Palestine was ruled by the Romans, and many Jews expected the Messiah to be a military figure who would fight the Romans and drive them out. Other Jews were expecting a prophet like Moses. The Jewish people wanted to return to the glory days under their greatest ruler, King David.