Answer: They got the news from the newspaper
You need a time period to be entered here because the Maximum Land area
(million Km to the power of 2) list the British Empire as 35.5 to the power of 3, while the Soviets only have a 22 or so. According to this information, the British Empire is larger in land mass than the Soviet Union. Again, we need a time period for an accurate answer.
However, President Eisenhower issued Executive order 10730, which federalized the Arkansas National Guard and ordered them to support the integration on September 23 of that year, after which they protected the African American students.
They were a mix between Britain and France people but the resentment towards Britain were stronger
If your friend is a business owner in a planned economy, then it would be the "central government" that decides how to allocate the productive resources he uses, since the government "plans" the economy as opposed to having supply and demand take place in the marketplace.