The predicate is GROWLED. The big, black bear ys the Subject that includes adjectives.
People would want to live the American Dream because of what they are told and promised in their homeland. For example, (I'm not sure when) but immigrants back then would be so excited to go to America because they were told the roads were paved in gold. Most importantly, these people came from countries going through war, famine, discrimination against certain minorities, and other hardships. They came to America to live in America because of the promise of freedom, and that's all they wanted.
The Black civil rights movement was fighting for African american rights, the biggest person who fought were people like martin luther king and or malcolm x. They fought having a dream chlidren could go to school without seregation or havind seperate bathrooms and water fountains, it was childish, but now we have what we fought for, except african americans are still being killed for no reason and they are being judged by the color of the skin and not who they are, there is still progress and changes to make.
- Disapproving of gossip and badmouthing, so the friend can feel uncomfortable and stop doing such harmful things
- Forming a study group/competing for better and higher grades
- Tutoring other students to share knowledge
- Encouragement to join different clubs with special interests (Debate, drama, computer science, etc...)
- Saving money to buy things/getting a job together.