These were the stelae (singular: stela), which were tall monuments in stone or wood that glorified leaders and other powerful individuals. One of the civilization known for this is the Maya Civilisation.
Answer: B
The correct option is B), because the domestic policy of the US is concerned only with the domestic issues of the US. These issues include education, protecting the rights of citizens, protecting workers from abuse and exploitation, etc. Option B) would be more of a worry with other nations affair, which isn't in such urgency.
hope this helped!
Answer: They in 1643 formed The United Colonies of New England. Massachusetts Bay discovered that too much authority had been surrendered to its smaller neighbors.
And the second= NEC-union of colonies to make navigation laws more efficient
DofNE-union of NE colonies
GR-overthrew James II, first coming of colonies so DofNE would collapse
Eggs, fruits, vegetables, and grains are considered pareve, or neutral, and can be eaten with either meat or dairy. Fish is also considered pareve, but some kosher observant Jews do not cook or eat fish with meat. Grape products (including juice and wine) must be produced by Jews in order to be considered kosher.