Im guessing this is Romanian....
This is the translation
proverbial were those who established norms of conduct and principles of life reaching throughout history to be unwritten laws. elaborate and present a decalogue of Romanian proverbs and sayings for your colleagues.
a diferença entre a letra da música, a flor da pele e a letra da canção, a flor da terra, é que a primeira é a flor da PELE e a segunda é a flor da TERRA.
I'm not sure what you're asking, but the form of the word "capital/capitol" you're using is wrong.
For letters, it's "capital."
For a building, it's "capitol."
That's what it is
The Romans thought that Vesta was founded by Aeneas when, in Italy, a transporter of things, and that he first The Vestal Virgins were the management of
When compared to other households, households who predict an increase in inflation are 8 percent more willing to spend on durable goods. The findings show that fiscal and monetary policy measures aimed at inducing higher inflation expectations may be effective in boosting consumer spending.