On May 10, 1869, the presidents of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads meet in Promontory, Utah, and drive a ceremonial last spike into a rail line that connects their railroads. This made transcontinental railroad travel possible for the first time in U.S. history.
Since the debt crisis, the idea that public credit is the first step aimed at the loss of national sovereignty through an economic intervention has expanded. China Qing and the Ottoman Empire were caught in the vicious circle of debt
It is a very similar story that two of the most powerful empires of the pre-modern era became states that depend on international credit in the industrial age. Qing China and the Ottoman Empire suffered a long period of decline that ended their imperial status by 1840.
The two countries suffered some kind of crisis towards the second half of the century that pushed them towards indebtedness abroad, which would lead to the contracting of debt in international markets in order to cope with their long decline, and with the hope of modernize their industry. Following that debt would lead them to accept, foreign intervention.
During the war, the Turks, without an army with the power to confront the Egyptians, had to request the help of their former enemies, forcing the intervention of Britain and Russia. International aid was not free, and its price was through the Balta Treaty, where Turkey agrees to adopt a free market system, withholding taxes on imports.
The case of the Qing dynasty in China was very similar. By 1820, the empire showed symptoms of clear economic damage. Stuck in an extremely restrictive trading system, through which all international trade demanded through the Cohong guild, China collided with Western interests during the First Opium War. The defeat marked the beginning of a long process of decline.
The Allies invaded the Mediterranean because they wanted to remove Italy from axis powers. Axis powers are nations that fought in the WW2 so they basically didn't want Italy to fight in the war.
During spanish war
Military operations. Hitler decided to support the Nationalists in July 1936. The German air force was used to carry the Army of Africa to Spain. A Spanish-German Spanish–Moroccan Transport Company (HISMA) and an entirely German company, the "Raw Materials and Goods Purchasing Company" (ROWAK) were established.
The AFL was a formal federation of labor unions whereas the Knights of labor was much more of a secretive type.