Take a moment to think about the last time something startled you. Did you make a noise when it happened? Maybe you SCREAMED. Or perhaps you SQUEALED. You may have even SHRIEKED. When those noises came from your mouth, they may not have seemed like anything important. After all, a scream or a squeal or a shriek is just a sound, right? On paper, however, those sounds are something much more!
I watched this movie! Very interesting. Jonas is the receiver, which no one else is familiar with. This is what makes him and his life unique. He lives in a total different world.
- he sees in color even when everyone else can’t.
- he has regular feelings even when no one else experiences any emotion.
- he can realize the sad truths of today’s world, such as death, even when nobody around him knows what things like that are.
There are many factors to his life that unfamiliar to other people in the film. This makes his role in the movie completely unique.
I hope this answers your question and happens to be everything you were looking for. Have a nice night!
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