An introduction is given about how the topic of interes will be treated.
Usually images of an explanatory nature are included, with a explanatory talk, the images are included to bring the reciver closer to the topic of interest in a friendly way.
it's purpose is to inform a non specialized public, and sometimes, without prior knowledge, so that the same present an interest in the subject.
Dylan Thomas’ “<em>Do not go gentle into that good night</em>” follows an iambic pentameter. For that reason, each line of the poem (except the second one of the fifth stanza <em>Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,</em>) has ten syllables (five feet). Each foot follows the same pattern: one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable and so on as in the example
Wild men | who caught | and sang | the sun | in flight
The stressed syllable is in bold.
<h3>That Mister Edward was impartial and treated all his children equally.</h3>
- Mister Edward's decision to educate Paul portrays that Mister Edward was impartial and treated all his children equally. Though Paul was biracial who was born to him and his black mistress , Mister Edward made sure that Paul was treated equally in the house as his other children.
- Mister Edward taught Paul how to read and write and made his other brothers share their school lessons with him. He also sent Paul to school in Macon to learn woodworking so that he could earn a living when he grows up.
Lieutenant is not a part of the main clause, and it is an address to a person that is inserted into the sentence. It must be therefore separated by comas on both sides: the correct answer is a.