<span>A pronoun is used to substitute a noun. In order for it to substitute, it must have a clear antecedent. Personal pronouns are used to substitute nouns with ownership. There are three persons point of view.1st person is when the subject is the one who is speaking (e.g. I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours). 2nd person is when the subject is the one being spoken to (you, your, yours). 3rd person is when the subject is the one spoken about (he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, their, theirs).</span>
1. En el verano hace calor
2. En el invierno hace frio
3. En el verano nadamos en una pileta
4. Yo llevo/uso un traje de baño\o maya
para nadar.
5. Cuando estoy en la playa
yo nado el mar.
So, the estimated annual water consumption in Peru is 326 725 MMC. I write this amount in letters: Very good, I solved the problem Now, ...