paul says your mum is really ff aa tt and she needs to go gym otherwise her ff ll aa bb ss would destroy earth
A. To do whatever he wants them to do.
A sentence fragment is a sentence that is incomplete, one that is separated from the main claus. In this case "To" is a preposition, which means that there should be more to the sentence. You can tell because you can't fully understand the idea behind the sentence. Therefore A, is the fragment.
Omniscient narrator should be the answer.
Too much texting may affect student's relationships. According to the text, "they don't spend enough time talking with others face-to-face". In the article, there is additional evidence that says, "that could be hurting their relationships with friends and family". Gossiping can negatively affect relationships.
This quarantine sucks as much as wheat thins.
This quarantine has made me feel like a carrot.
Sometimes i paint myself orange, go in my backyard and bury myself in dirt and pretend i’m a carrot.
I want to die as much as hannah baker did when they called her thick.
Quarantine sucks as much as a vaccuum.