Maxine is an great place for travel I’m in speaks
The First Crusade is initiated when Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus requests help in reconquering from the Seljuk Turks the lost territory of Asia Minor . Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont calls upon the princes of Christendom for an armed “pilgrimage” to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims.
Answer:The House of Burgesses helped make laws in Virginia. In New England, colonists at town meetings decided local issues
The causes of the Cold War were rooted in the failure of the Allies (U.S., Great Britain, U.S.S.R.) to reach common peace agreements with regard to Germany and Poland at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences. ... As a result, the Cold War polarization between the U.S. and the Soviet Union lasted for almost 50 years.
One of the most important rules to the Native Americans was that land was to be used by tribes regardless of whether or not it was "worked" in the traditional European sense. This led to great conflict with the Europeans, who thought the Natives weren't entitled to the land if they did farm on it.