It became a commonplace to say that he was put to death for an error of judgement. Hope This Helps
<span>The following are the lines 16–18 (Act 2, scene 1), in which Macbeth tells Banquo that he and his wife couldn’t entertain the king as they would have liked.
Being unprepared,
Our will became the servant to defect,
Which else should free have wrought
= these lines are ironic because the wife of Baquo liked to entertain the king but she can't because she is not prepared. Her will to entertain may cause a mistake because she was not prepared what should be carefully done.
People look up to celebrities and will usually copy what they do.
This is due to the fact that people will copy those who they look up to, remember the saying "Like father, like son"? It's sorta like that.