The steam engine and steam locomotive evidently had major consequences on European society. Positive and negative effects are apparent, as these major technological breakthroughs transformed European society. Even today, many aspects of society and economics are present due to the profound impact these inventions had, which is why they are such big turning points in history.
Impeachable is used to describe an offense that could get a public official impeached formally accused of misconduct. Describing an offense as impeachable means it could result in impeachment. The U.S. Constitution cites treason and bribery as impeachable offenses, along with other “high crimes and misdemeanors.”
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors are all examples of impeachable offense by an elected official.
In Kraków during World War II
Legislative Branch:
Creates two separate "bills", in which they are created to solve a problem or implement a new method. These two methods are then passed, and a legislative meeting is hosted to create a bill that incorporates both the HR & S bills together. If this bill is passed in both the HR & S, it is then sent to the President.
Executive Branch:
The Executive Branch receives the bill, and can be given a couple of choices. If the president likes the bill, he may pass it, or contrary, he can veto the bill if it fails. When vetoed, there are choices he can take. 1st is a direct veto, in which the Legislative Branch can try to override the veto with 2/3 vote from both houses. The next veto is line-item veto, in which the president can pass the bill, but does not enforce parts that he does not like. The final way is to pocket veto, in which the president allows the bill to expire.
Judicial Branch:
The Judicial Branch generally only help "create" by interpreting how the law should be implemented. The other job they are given in the law category is determining whether the bill passed is constitutitional or not.
C. They both addressed welfare reform and limiting social programs.