The productivity is the power of create using resource in aa efficient way. the most you produce the less you have to sell, the less you produce demand goes down. The market growt is directly related to the productivity because the massive production of a good produces a decrease in price which creates issues in the economy, there are two ways to prevent this; one, increase the ammount of buyers or the existing buyers to buy more goods. when there is population growth the incomings are highers so with this the productivty reflects this growing directly on the market. In the way the population is growing, the market is being expanded, I.E. the online market is growing because the tech users is increasing at the same time.
In an effort to prevent any alliances between the Cherokee Indians and the Mexicans, the Federal Government sent Sam Houston and John Forbes to the territories occupied by the Native Americans in order to negotiate the boundaries in which they could peacefully settle. These negotiations ended with a treaty on February 23, 1836. However, this document was rejected by the Senate because it considered the consultation had exceeded its powers by offering land grants to the Cherokees. Houston decided to disregard this and maintained the kept the treaty made with the Indians. However, President Mirabeau B. Lamar would ultimately agree with the Senate's interpretations and leave the treaty without effect.
The French looked at America as a place to fish and hunt which other Europeans looked at it as a place to settle. As opposed to settling, like many other Europeans, the French wanted to use America to sell fur and make a profit from it
he wrote it near the end of his second term of presidency before retiring to his home at Mount vernon in Virginia. presented on newspaper article September 17 (1796)
In its proposal, both houses of the legislature would be determined proportionately. The lower house would be elected by the people, and the upper house would be elected by the lower house. ... Under the New Jersey Plan, the unicameral legislature with one vote per state was inherited from the Articles of Confederation.