A. ERP promises slow, but accurate information.
Option A. ERP promises slow, but accurate, information is incorrect. One of the most important aspects of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has to do with time optimization through its "Automation" features which aim at cutting down several hours of staff work in performing tedious tasks. Accuracy in information is a must.
Among other important features and capabilities of ERP, it is worth mentioning:
1. Integration
2. Automation
3. Reporting
4. Tracking and Visibility
5. Data Analysis
6. Accounting
7. Customer Relationship Management
Go here this should help bunches!
Hope this website helps!
border: 5px solid lightgreen;
The shorthand version of the border property in CSS goes as follows:
border: <line-width> <line-style> <color>;
With <line-width> represents the thicknes of the border line (expressed in keyword values or lenght values), <line-style> represents the style of the border, and <color> represents the color of the border (in color names or values).