Gossipy because gossipying is sharing buisness that probably isn’t yours and being nosey is listening in on business .
it is ALWAYS important to cites ALL of your sourses to avoid plagiarism. I normally at the end of my paper make a new paragraph and title it "Works Cited". type citation machine into google for more help writing a fromal citation. Remember most junior and high schools only allow certan citation styles but your best bet is either APA or MLA. hope this helped.
1-The Native Americans were on edge and did not know what to think of the Spaniards
2- The barge sinks while trying to leave the island
3- They become desperate for survival and the natives take them in and make them medicine men
4- The native Americans insist the Spaniards heal their men, but the Spaniards think its naive and will not work.
5- Making incisions over the wound, sucking on it, then cauterizing it.
Hope these answers help!