It would be a divergent boundary, with the two tectonic plates moving away from eachother.
Fishing represents the manufactured products that are easily transported by the lakes and rivers in the Great Lakes area. This is because the vessels that promote this transport already have appropriate equipment to store this type of product in an appropriate and efficient manner that optimizes the quality of the product, keeping it fresh and in good quality until it arrives at its destination.
colônias americanas começaram a irritar um ao outro quase incessantemente. Como um pai impaciente com uma criança rebelde, Grã-Bretanha tentou métodos diferentes para incutir disciplina.
Africa is the area which has the lowest amount of naturally available freshwater per capita.
Some parts of Africa have about 3879 m^3 of naturally available freshwater per capita. That is 12% of what is naturally available in South America, for instance.
The Mayan and other Mesoamerican cultures used a vigesimal number system based on base 20 (and, to some extent, base 5), probably originally developed from counting on fingers and toes. The numerals consisted of only three symbols: zero, represented as a shell shape; one, a dot; and five, a bar.