The int functions founds down to the nearest whole number, which in this case would be 6.
I know you're going to delete my answer... But I have an essay which needs to be completed online and I need to ask a urgent question!
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Answer: Probability/impact risk matrix
Explanation: Probability/impact risk matrix is type of matrix that defines the probability as well as impact that depicts whether the risk is low ,high or moderate.
Impact matrix is sort of tool which helps in conversion of any plan into a action. Probability matrix help in defining the chances in defining the risk.The positioning of the impact value of risk is plotted on the vertical axis and performance value on the horizontal axis.
Thus probability/impact matrix is the correct tool for the problem mentioned in the question.
The method doubleVal() is created to accept a single parameter of type double.
It multiplies what ever the value of the parameter is and returns the resulting value.
In this question The method is called within this output statement System.out.println(doubleVal(val)); (Note that val had already been declared and assigned the value of 6.5)
The value 6.5 is doubled and outputed to the screen