although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.
I dint follow... is this an open ended question? or is it multiple choice? and to litterally kill one is simple. grab it, and kill it.
I'd like to think it adds a tone of disgust. "Horrible vermin", as in "gross creature."
C, because the mountain cannot actually hold things.
Deductive argument.
A deductive argument can be defined as a type of argument that begins with a factual statement to draw a conclusion. It is a factual and logical reasoning. This argument states that if the premises are true that the conclusion drawn must be true as well.
It applies a 'top-bottom' principle which means that first general statements are made then these statements are narrowed to reach the conclusion.
<u>In the given statement, two premises are stated either Jack can enroll in full-time school or buy a car. Then the statement got narrowed when he thought to enroll in a full-time school than buying a car. Then the conclusion drawn was that he had to put off buying the car</u>.
So, the correct answer is deductive reasoning.