It's roads to connect different parts of their empire. Just finished the test :)
Limited government = A principle of constitutional government; a government whose powers are defined and limited by a constitution.
the executive branch = the branch of government that carries out laws
supreme law of the land = Constitution
amendments = a way of changing the Constitution in order to adapt. It made the Constitution flexible and not rigid.
federalism = power is balanced between the states and the national government.
republicanism = the people exercise their power by voting and their political representatives
senate = the upper house of Congress; based on an equal number of representation for each state.
individual rights = personal liberties or privileges
the commander in chief = term for the president as commander of the nation's armed forces
Option: c. helped to unite the colonies in opposition to the English government.
The Stamp Act of 1965 helped colonist to join together and fight against the British in America. The reason for the Acts to get implemented in America was the result of the French and Indian War that led Britishers into debt. Britishers introduced several taxes which included the Stamp Act, and Townsend Acts to collect the money to get rid of the debt.
This poem compares with the history of immigration because it shows how open the US was. It contrasts becuase the poor didn't always get what they needed.
(This is more in depth)
The poem compares because the US would take everyone in, as long as they were healthy. The US had a lot it could offer immigrants, as well. Usually, however, immigrants were faced with hardships, were discriminated against, and didn't get the help they needed.