There should always be a comma before a quote and that is a sentence so there is a period at the end
<u>The fair setup began late in July</u>, and <u>it ended at the beginning of September.</u> (compound)
<u>Tents kept the rides in great condition during extreme weather</u>. (simple)
When fairgoers bought tickets, <u>they often purchased too many</u>. (complex)
Although some people got sick from riding, <u>the extreme roller coaster was popular</u>, and <u>there was always a very long line</u>. (compound-complex)
<u>Tractor competitions are usually part of a larger show that everyone loves to watch.</u> (simple)
In summary, the influence of gravity only extends to the edge of each gravity group. Beyond that, spacetime no longer behaves like gravity. It's not that the gravitational attraction of a star simply gets too weak to notice when you leave its galaxy group. Rather, the gravitational attraction goes completely away outside of the galaxy group.
Any source information used in an essay should be properly cited with a footnote or other end reference. The citation should give credit to the author/creator, publication or website, date of publication, and any other pertinent details.
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