They were against it, and thought that it was too lenient for Germany and such.
The reasons for the alliances formed in the Texas legislature during that session were: first, there were two major factions in politics, Democrats and Republicans. During this session, there were three, the Democrats, the Republicans and the more conservative Republicans.
The following are the actions or methods that were used by the United States to engage in proxy wars:
• Selling weapons to proxy nations
• Creating alliances with friendly nations.
• Supporting military coups and dictatorships.
• Providing economic aid.
Proxy war is a war in which the state or nation uses substitute to fight against the opponent. The nations sometimes use less powerful states as proxies.
The forces of the poor countries are trained, funded and guided to make them learn how to win.
United states generally sell their powerful weapons to the proxy nation, provide economic aid, support military coups and create alliance with friendly nations to get engage in proxy war.
During the Colombian trade people traded slaves, corn, diseases, horses, tobacco, cotton, and more.