To basically make sure you've made your claim clear, and to re-instate your claim just one last time, and add any examples you've missed.
c British control over the colonists will only increase.
Patrick Henry, an important figure of the American war of independence said these lines in his famous "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death" speech.
In the above lines, the speaker tries to question the listeners that how long will they need to wait to take an action before the Britishers take control of them completely. The point of these lines is to emphasis the fact that British control over the colonists will only increase if they keep on remaining silent and subservient.
Buddhism had the greatest impact on china , i hope that helps .
this is the sample response
The US government provided American Indians with rations of bacon, beef, flour, coffee, sugar, soap, and soda. These food items were consistent with the Plains Indians’ diets. Annuities that were provided included blankets, clothing, needles, tin cups, and small axes. Many American Indians were dissatisfied with the reservations because of the restrictions on their freedom and the loss of their traditions. Also, the government did not provide the American Indians with enough food supplies to feed everyone, and many tribal members ended up leaving the reservations.
Both have important predecessors—our Constitution was influenced by the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights of 1689, and the Declaration by John Locke's writings on the consent of the governed and by a document close to home for Thomas Jefferson, the draft version by George Mason of Virginia's Declaration